Have you ever encountered the following?
You have read a bunch of documents. Think a lot of documents. But after reading, you are thinking of a specific detail. A detail you have forgotten. The name of a company or product for instance. And really, you are not interested in reading all the documents again. So you start scimming the texts for the missing detail.
Good news – now you won’t have to scim it your self. Let Datashare do it for you.
Will Fitzgibbon of ICIJ has written a pretty good guide for Datashare, you could start by reading.
ICIJ is the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. The organization behind the Panama Papers, Lux Leaks, Off shore leaks, Implant files and many other large scale international collaborative (data) journalism projects.
We are currently attending the European Investigative Journalism Conference (EIJC19) in Mechelen, and will write about interesting software usable for research purposes.
Link: Datashare on ICIJ
Link: Dataharvest/EIJC