Ny Lab Report: Nørdernes Twitter-krig

En kat😼, en flynørd✈️ og en veteran🪖 går ind på en bar – og taler om krig, satellitbilleder📡 og missiltyper🚀. Bag baren står en krabbe🦀 og en journalist📝 og fniser af et meme om ukrainske droner.

Forsamlingen er broget, men de har alle det tilfælles, at de bruger en stor del af deres tid på at skrive om internationale konflikter på Twitter/X.

I de senere år har der nemlig udviklet sig et ganske aktivt samfund af civile open source-efterretningsanalytikere (OSINT) på nettet, med farverige profiler og kaldenavne.

I en ny Lab Report undersøger vi hvem de mest prominente OSINT-konti på Twitter/X er i relation til krigen i Ukraine. Vi afdækker også måden de arbejder på og opstiller 3 typer.

Rapporten (20 sider) kan hentes lige her.

Rapportens førsteforfatter Nicklas Krarup kan kontaktes på nicklaskl@live.dk

Lab event: The Digital Marketplace of Google – Commodifying Online Attention to Sell Cells

Public seminar with Anders Grundtvig, visiting PhD Fellow, co-organized by the Digital Media Lab and the Centre for Digital Citizenship at RUC.

Time: 9 December 2024 from 13.00-14.30

Place: Digital Media Lab, RUC (room 40.3.045)


The commodification of the internet holds major implications for the information we all engage with online (Mager, Norocel, and Rogers, 2023) and thereby impacts digital democracy. Despite the attention to Google as a marketplace for ads, there have been limited empirical studies scrutinizing Google Ads. Coromina, Tsinovio, and Munk (2023) have developed a digital methods framework to work with Google Ads data for techno-social controversy mapping. Building on this framework, we are mapping the tradeable assets of Google Ads and the commercial actors associated with Stem Cell Medicine.    

All welcome – no registration needed – please share widely

Welcome to Visiting PhD Fellow Anders Grundtvig

During October-December 2024, Anders Grundtvig will be a visiting researcher at the Digital Media Lab. Anders joins us from the University of Copenhagen, where he is a PhD Fellow.

Here is Anders’ words about his visit:

“My PhD project is interested in how publics find online health information about stem cell therapy. At my section at the Department of Public Health and in my PhD supervisor group I have great resources covering the health specific topics of my PhD project. With this change of research environment at Roskilde University at the Department of Communication and Arts, and especially at the Digital Media Lab and Centre for Digital Citizenship, where my stay is taking place, I will get support for uncovering the digital media parts of my PhD project. The themes that I will explore at my change of research environment are mediated life, digital citizenship, digital media technologies, social media, algorithms, data, public conversations, digital methods, alternative media, data publics, and datafication.”

You can reach out to Anders and read more about his work here: https://researchprofiles.ku.dk/en/persons/anders-grundtvig

And watch this space for the announcement of a public talk by Anders in the lab.

Welcome, Anders!

Ethnography of digital infrastructures – talk by Mette Simonsen Abildgaard

Time: 13 Nov 2024, 13.30-15.00

Place: Digital Media Lab, room 40.3.045, Roskilde University

Mette Simonsen Abildgaard is Associate Professor of Arctic Technology Studies at Aalborg University. She recently received a Sapere Aude grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark and a Semper Ardens: Accelerate grant from the Carlsberg Foundation.

“In this talk, I explore how digital infrastructures shape the experiences of those positioned as living ‘on the margins’. I discuss some of the approaches I have used to study systems such as undersea-cables, wi-fi networks, mobile plans, satellites, and other infrastructures of telecommunication, which are both pervasive and deeply personal, using ethnographic methods. Specifically, I’ll discuss how the concept of ‘infrastructural encounters’ has helped me capture sites and moments where the everyday is made faster or is slowed down through infrastructure, and a method of phenomenologically ‘sensing data’ (such as the kilobytes, megabytes, petabytes, and zettabytes circulating in digital infrastructures) as situated and mundane, during fieldwork in North Greenland.”

All welcome – no registration needed – please share the invitation

Open Lab Sessions – Autumn 2024

Er du forsker eller studerende og har du brug for hjælp til analyse og visualisering af digitale data? Eller vil du bare gerne lære mere om muligheder for dataadgang samt tilgængelige værktøjer? Digital Media Lab afholder en række lab sessions hvor alle med interesse kan få hjælp til alt fra hvordan man finder og indsamler digitale data fx fra internettet og sociale medier til statistik og programmering.

Datoer og tider:

  • 1. oktober 13 – 16
  • 22. oktober 13 – 16
  • 12. november 13 – 16
  • 12. december 13 – 16

Sted: Digital Media Lab, lokale 40.3.45

Ingen tilmelding – bare drop ind – men skriv dig gerne op på denne mailingliste for at få opdateret information: bit.ly/dmlruc

Hvis du har spørgsmål, så skriv til Jakob Bæk Kristensen på (jakobbk@ruc.dk). 

Lunch seminar: The multimodal circulation of misleading infovis on social media platforms

Elena Aversa from Density Design is visiting the DANI Research Project and the Digital Media Lab during week 25 and she has kindly agreed to present some of her work at an informal brown bag seminar in the lab.

Time: 20th June 2024 from 12-13

Place: Digital Media Lab (room 42.1-01)

Title: The multimodal circulation of misleading infovis on social media platforms

Information visualisation (infovis) attracts considerable attention on social media platforms, especially during societal crises. Due to its rhetorical influence, it holds the power to mislead. Therefore, its circulation on social media platforms can amplify the impacts of information disorders, jeopardising citizens’ right to reliable information. My research explores the multimodal characteristics of misleading information visualisations that travel through social media platforms. The aim is to define a common ground for including infovis literacy within the panorama of digital media and information literacies. The presentation will focus on two classifications developed from the analysis of a collection of infovis shared online in the first months of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

All welcome – please share – no registration – bring your lunch

Lab Session: Get started with your own big data analyses in UCloud

Digital Media Lab, RUC (room 42.1-01)

23 May 2024 from 12.30-13.45

There are rich computational resources available for students and staff at RUC, including UCloud, which gives access to computing power in the cloud through a graphical interface. Jakub Klust from RUC’s High Performance Computing (HPC) Centre visits the lab to give us a hands-on introduction to how to get up and running. No special experience or equipment is required, but bring your laptop. After Jakub’s intro, our own lab member Jakob Bæk Kristensen will provide a demonstration case from his own research so that everyone who is interested can test what it feels like to run a data analysis via UCloud.


  • Introduction by Jakub: 15 minutes
  • Example case by Jakob: 15 minutes
  • Hands-on workshop with Q&A: 45 minutes

All welcome –  please share – no registration needed

Lab Session: Beskyttelse af forskningsdata – Mød RUC’s DPO

Digital Media Lab, RUC (lokale 42.1-01)

16. april 2024 kl 13.00-14.30

Udviklingen af nye digitale muligheder for at indsamle forskningsdata er ledsaget af en udvikling af nye tiltag og krav til beskyttelsen af data. Især GDPR-lovgivningen er blevet vigtig at forstå, når det gælder forskningsdata med personoplysninger. GDPR stiller krav om at alle offentlige organisationer, der behandler persondata, har en såkaldt Data Protection Officer (DPO eller databeskyttelsesrådgiver). I denne lab session får vi besøg af RUC’s DPO, Peter Jakobsen, der fortæller om hvilke forpligtelser og redskaber, vi har, når det gælder GDPR. Peter kommer desuden ind på anmeldelsespligt til Rigsarkivet og på nogle retningslinjer for brug af AI, som er under udvikling. Der vil være god tid til at stille spørgsmål og diskutere forskellige forskningscases.

Alle forskere på RUC er velkomne. Skriv os en mail på digitalmedialab@ruc.dk, hvis du er i tvivl om arrangementet passer til dig.